University bucks convention in Texas with vegan dining hall | Reuters

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University bucks convention in Texas with vegan dining hall | Reuters.

Woot Woot! Go University of North Texas! College students are one of the fastest growing segments of the vegan population and their influence has been astounding. Due to the efforts of student groups around the country, many colleges are now offering vegan, or at least vegetarian, options at most meals. The amazing part is that according to a USA Today article, what college students really want are healthier meal choices, and colleges are attempting to comply (Green Dining: Vegan and vegetarian options abound on campuses, USA TODAY College, posted August, 30, 2011).

Within the last ten years, the number of vegetarian and vegan food options on campuses has dramatically increased. Michigan State now runs a food station serving vegan and vegetarian options. The University of North Texas (article linked above) has recently opened the first all-vegan cafeteria and last year Oklahoma City University became the first campus with a raw vegan bar (USA TODAY article). It’s the students pushing for healthier dining options, said John Cunningham, a consumer research manager with the Vegetarian Resource Group. “The change comes from the bottom up,” Cunningham said. “More students are getting active and demanding it to their administrations.”

Most college students surveyed indicated that they wanted to eat healthier and saw the vegan/vegetarian diet as a healthy alternative to the standard American diet. Hopefully, thanks to our college students, this trend will spread to the consumer market and restaurants will try and catch wave of healthy eating, vegan-style. At least, that’s what I’m hoping for. 🙂

Peas and love,