Hello world!

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So here is a stab at my first attempt to write a blog. I am pretty sure no one will end up reading this, but guess what… the joy of life is in the journey and not the destination! I am extremely excited to begin this blog. I have flirted with the idea of blogging for months, only to be discouraged by lack of time, feelings of inadequacy (who would want to read about what I think, anyway?), and other lame excuses. The final push came last week that caused me to finally sit down and put words on screen. I started my Doctor of Nursing Practice Program at the University of Virginia School of Nursing and one of my core classes is Nursing Informatics. My professor is having us create a blog for this class and part of our assignment was to become more familiar with blogging tools. I interpreted this as a sign that I should finally commit myself to this long held desire and start typing. So here I am.

Another great life event happened this past week as well. In starting the DNP program, I have also begun thinking about what type of Capstone (a.k.a., thesis/dissertation) project I would like to create. This lead me to really focus in on what health-related matters I am most interested in: nutrition and disease prevention (specifically cardiovascular disease and diabetes). In a random internet search, I figured out that I could actually contact via e-mail someone in the medical field that I have an immense amount of respect for: Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. So guess what? I e-mailed! And guess what else? I got a response!!! I actually received a phone call from him the very next morning. Unfortunately, I never heard it ring (darn you, water-damaged, intermittent ringing iPhone!) and it went to voice mail. Long story short, I was invited to one of his epic 5 hour Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease patient education sessions that he and his wife, Ann, run. I am currently trying to devise a way to actually make it to one. His sessions are held at the Cleveland Clinic and that is too great a distance to travel from Newport, RI. So, we’ll see.

If there is any way possible, I am going to make it there. I just believe this is a once in a career connection too great to pass up. My mind was blown the first time I read about Dr. Esselstyn’s stance to view heart disease, high blood pressure, and type-2 diabetes as “food-borne illnesses”.  And as Dr. Esselstyn-and others often say, “Genes load the gun… but lifestyle pulls the trigger.” If you are the least bit interested in eating better to treat or prevent heart disease (or just to eat better) I highly recommend you read Dr. Esselstyn’s book, Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease. Like me, your mind will be blown, guaranteed! I also recommend watching Julia Grayer’s documentary Chow Down. It’s about three people who changed the way they eat (Dr. Esselstyn-style) in order to save their lives. You can watch it for free on Hulu.  You’ll never go back to your old lifestyle again!

So that’s that. My first blog. I promise if you are reading this, that it will become more interesting as I get better at this. 🙂

I look forward to sharing this journey with you into health, wellness and disease prevention!

Peas and love,
